About Us

Vidwan Krishna Bhat

Vidwan Krishna Bhat is born in traditional smartha Brahmin family, in a village of Dandeli, Karnataka. Having completed his primary education in Dandeli, he completed his Bachelor’s degree from RRSP College, Swarnawalli Sirsi. He completed his M.A in Jyotishya & Vyakarana Shastra from Karnataka Samskrita University Bangalore. 

Settled in Bangalore, he provides consultation to various strata of life for astrology & Kavade prashna.  Being avid talker, he speaks in Kannada, Hindi & Sanskrit to provide consultation to people.  Being an excellent reciter of veda mantras, he has been voice for numerous CD recordings of Sanskrit recitals such Rudra Patha, Ganesha Atharvasheersha etc. He has also been part of numerous panel discussion and debates on different Television channels providing his expert opinion on subject of vedic religion & shastras. He has been active in public life through his lectures and speeches on vedic religion & vedic scriptures. 

Kalpataru Jyotishyalaya


Kalpataru Jyotishyalaya is his pet venture in making his knowledge and service available to all strata of people. In his office, he provides consultation through Kavade Shastra, horoscope analysis. He also has team of good vedic brahmins expert in vedic pujas and homas; making the Kalpataru Jyotihyalaya one stop solution for finding solution to problems through astrology & conducting the needed remedies for those problems at one place.